About the Third Global Session of the UN Science
Policy Business Forum on the Environment
Under the theme Integrated Solutions #ForNature, the UN Science-Policy-Business Forum on the Environment (UN-SPBF) will convene its Third Global Session online from 18-20 February 2021, in the lead up to the Fifth Session of the UN Environment Assembly. The event will bring together influential partners and networks representing business, industry, finance, science, government, and civil society. It is organized in close coordination with UNEP divisions – Private Sector Unit, MEAs and partner citizen science and civil society organizations.
On the road to UNEP@50, Stockholm+50 and UNEA 5.2, UN-SPBF aims to act as a bridge between these landmark events, offering strategic opportunities for inclusive, multi-sector engagement and collaboration. This will take place through a continuum of focused activities that will kick-off in the lead up to UNEA 5.1.

Timing and Strategic Focus
The emergence of zoonotic diseases, such as COVID-19, are closely related to the health of ecosystems, which underpin human health and well-being.
Investment in ecosystems restoration, combined with a shift towards circularity and sustainable consumption and production, has the potential to address the key drivers of ecosystem disruption, biodiversity loss, resource depletion, and climate change.
This event reflects the goals and themes of the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration 2021 – 2030 to redefine humanity’s role in nature from consumer to steward. By focusing on sustainable production and consumption, the UN Decade addresses the common thread that runs through the three planetary crises as identified by UNEP’s Medium-Term Strategy – climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution.
Investing in the restoration of ecosystems and sustainable consumption and production offers the key to achieving a long-term and just post-COVID-19 recovery that accelerates and strengthens the achievement of the SDGs.
Each session under the UN-SPBF’s Third Global Session is designed to facilitate a multi-sectoral common agenda, with priority actions developed through an inclusive, participatory process that is in line with UNEP’s mandate and priorities. They aim to identify where the greatest opportunities for the shift to sustainable consumption and production lie by taking a full value-chain approach.
About Us
UN-SPBF is UNEP’s inclusive multi-stakeholder, multi-sector convening arm. It was launched by UNEP in December 2017 to strengthen the interface between science, policy, business and society at large. UN-SPBF is a network of networks, with over 3,000 affiliated partners. It convenes in conjunction with, and feeds into, the UNEA process. UN-SPBF is cross divisional, multi-sectoral and works closely with MEA secretariats. Engagement with civil society cuts across the key tracks of UN-SPBF’s work.
For more information, visit un-spbf.org